
The purpose of this workshop is to migrate the shopping cart which we created in Session Based Shopping Cart Article and use Struts 1 framework for MVC. The article is not intended to explain all struts features like localization, validation framework, error handling etc.


  • Knowledge about struts1 application framework
  • This articles assume that a session based shopping cart is already developed as explained in Session Based Shopping Cart Article . All requirements are same as the previous article.

Analysis and design

Our analysis and design will not be as exhaustive as the previous session based shopping cart. We already have the components designed and responsibility assigned (Also have code available). We will use the previous components and review the changes required.

Based on the previous article below are the list of components:
1. ModelList.jsp
2. ShoppingCart.jsp
3. CartBean.java
4. CartItemBean.java
5. CartController.java

We will move most of the logic from CartController which was a servlet and implement a Struts Action class instead. Hence, we create a new class CartAction which extends Action class.

If you look at the ModelList or ShoppingCart form(HTML Form), each form submits details of an Item or Model. ModelList has Add action on Item and ShoppingCart.jsp has Update and Delete action on Item. Based on this information, we can modify the CartItemBean into CartItemForm which extends Struts ActionForm class. Instance of the ActionForm will be provided as input to CartAction.

Hence, the revised list of components would look something like:
1. ModelList.jsp
2. ShoppingCart.jsp
3. CartBean.java
4. CartItemForm.java
5. CartAction.java


Development environment structure:

I prefer starting a struts 1 application by publishing the struts-blank application to Tomcat. The struts-blank application can be download from Apache website. The published struts-blank application provides a sample of struts-config.xml and all the required libraries to run a struts application.

However, at the end of the application we have provided a link to down the Web Archive (WAR) file of the whole StrutsShoppingCart application (with Source code).

  - ModelList.jsp
  - ShoppingCart.jsp
      - struts-config.xml
      - web.xml
        - in.techfreaks.struts.cart.bean.CartBean.java
        - in.techfreaks.struts.cart.form.CartItemForm.java
        - in.techfreaks.struts.cart.action.CartAction.java
      - jstl.jar
      - <ALL Struts required Lib >